Dear Voter
Having served in the state legislature for eleven years, I have learned many important lessons. There is a big difference between getting elected and governing. Just about anyone can get elected, and we’ve all seen it. However, to do the job, to understand the issues, the political will of those who elected you, when to lead, when to follow, when to say no, and then remember that it is about others and not oneself, makes it the hardest job I have ever had.
My wife recently retired from 30+ years of service with Maricopa County. Over those years, we have been very proud of how the county has been managed and the quality of leadership represented there. Because of our close affinity with the County, I have decided to run for the position of County Treasurer.
If I can win your vote and the election for Maricopa County Treasurer, I promise to do all that I can to bring professional management, constant improvement, the latest technology and fiscal responsibility to the office.
Thank you,
John Allen
With Your Support Anything Is Achievable!

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